be the ocean. be ever changing but always the same. be simple and transparent with an entire world deep down inside full of odd and interesting creatures. be calm. be still, but let yourself get wild and lost in a storm from time to time. have many homes, on many shores, and be slightly different at every one. let people in. let them feel free and surround them with every bit of your being - asking for nothing in return. take in sharp rocks and all the broken glass and return them back as beautiful treasures. be routine but never predictable, and be so loved that people spend their days sitting by your side. be free and vast, and be deep and powerful. all the while being completely moved by something greater than yourself.

~ Michael F. DuBois~




I am Lila.



I write with my body first. My pen second. Words dance more freely onto the page when my body is moving. When my body is moving, my soul is more content. 



San Francisco, CA

home is...

The present moment.

Within me.

Being. Soul. Presence.

Kauai, Hawaii, USA


The ocean

Most shades of blue

Pretty much all desserts

Creatures that purr

New experiences


Murky water


Ice Cream

Bugs that bite

Established routines

stands for


Kind behavior


Mother Nature





Hello, Aloha, and Welcome…  

I am surrounded by blues and greens. As a human being, I am always changing. As an embodied soul, I am ever the same. I live a simple and honest life. I am definitely an odd and interesting creature. I am more calm and capable of being still these days at fifty-five compared to the unexpected fierce storms I faced in my younger years. I am not afraid to be wild. I am slowly finding my way again after being lost in the sea of grief for a while.

I used to have three homes near different shores. The one home where I reside now is enough. I am different than I used to be, but there are parts of me that still feel familiar despite them seeming far away at times. Letting people in has been both a generous invitation and a steep learning curve of mine. Surrounding people with every bit of my being has been a steady intention. Feeling free is what I’ve always wanted for myself and for others. It still is.

I am taking in all the shattered bits and rebuilding a life full of gems. Beautiful treasures and unexpected gifts are to be found in the wreckage. Routines bore me. Rituals inspire me. Elemental has become my new middle name.

Let’s sit side by side and be loving with each other. Let’s be free and vast, deep and powerful, together. Let’s be moved by the presence that exists within ourselves and between us.

My love of writing and dancing began at an early age, but it wasn’t until I was in my early thirties when I devoted my attention to the expressive arts of words and movement.

For twenty-five years, I've learned from many fellow writers, dancers, and teachers as well as through my own practice, that deep healing is available within the body and psyche. Being able to fully feel and uninhibitedly express myself through the written word and through creative movement has had a profound impact on my life.

I'm devoted right now to writing what I’ve longed to say and to supporting others in their own healing process through words and movement.   

I am inspired by and hungry for honest, wholehearted conversations, shared silence, and vulnerable encounters with others. I’m most curious these days about a human being’s courage, resiliency, and presence.

Perhaps you finding your way here was meant to be. Perhaps one of my offerings will be of interest to you. Perhaps you’ll make a connection with me and we’ll meet one another.

Who really knows how this experience of life works?

One thing I do know is…life can be incredibly sweet and kind and it can also be seriously mean and messy. I’m learning to accept and be with all of it.

How are you being with your experience of life?

